This is a house.👇

This, is, a, house- এই word চাৰিটা লগলাগি এটা সম্পূৰ্ণ ভাব প্ৰকাশ কৰিছে । মুঠতে এই চাৰিটা word ৰ সমষ্টিয়ে এটা বাক্য/sentence হ’ল । ইয়াৰ প্ৰতিটো word কেইটা হ’ল বাক্যৰ একোটা অংশ ।
This is a house – বাক্যত house শব্দটোৱে এবিধ ঘৰক বুজাইছে, this শব্দটোৱে দেখুৱাই দিছে, is শব্দটোৱে ক্ৰিয়াৰূপে বাক্যটো সম্পূৰ্ণ কৰিছে আৰু a শব্দটোৱে সংখ্যক নির্দিষ্ট কৰি দিছে।
মুঠতে চাৰি word এ বাক্যটোৰ চাৰি ৰকমে কাম কৰিছে ।
★মনত ৰাখিবা : ইংৰাজী Grammar ত বাক্য বা speech ৰ এটা অংশক Parts of Speech বোলে ।
Parts of speech are the classification of words categorized by their roles and functions within the structure of the language.
Parts of speech encompass everything a language has in itself. Can you imagine all the words of a language can be sorted into these categories? They play different roles in the structure of a language.
In English, there are eight parts of speech:
- Noun
- Pronoun
- Verb
- Adjective
- Adverb
- Preposition
- Conjunction
- Interjection
👉Noun refers to people, places, things, ideas, concepts and feelings.
Example: Rahul is a good boy.
Guwahati is the best city.
For Detail about Noun Click Here
👉A pronoun is used to refer to a noun/noun phrase, or nouns/noun phrases; instead of the repeated use of the same noun(s)/noun phrase(s).
Example: Rishi is a good boy. He gets up early in the morning.
For Detail about Pronoun Click Here
👉Verb shows an action or an ongoing condition. It is considered as the heart of a sentence.
Example-Rahul is playing in the field.
To Know More Verb click here
👉Adjective tell us what kind of, how many, what colour, etc. persons, places, animals, and things are. It tells us more about the noun.
To Know More About Adjective click here
👉Adverbs modify or describe adjective, verbs, or other adverbs. It answers the questions When? Where? How? or How much?
- Rohit speaks loudly. (Adverb of Manner)
- You can go inside.(Adverb of Place)
- Will you come tomorrow?(Adverb of Time)
- Sometimes, I forgot answers. (Adverb of frequency)
To Know More About Adverb click here
👉Preposition gives context to nouns in relationship to other nouns or pronouns.
- I am going to France.
- France is in Europe.
- He is not at home.
- The dog ran across the road.
To Know More About Preposition Click here
👉A conjunction connects nouns, noun phrases, clauses or sentences together.
- Monika love chocolate and chips.
- She loves pasta, but she hates pizza.
👉Interjections are brief and abrupt pauses in speech, usually used for expressing emotions.
Example: Oh! That feels terrible.
Alas! They have lost the match
N.B: All topics are given in separate pages.
🔻What is Noun click here
🔻What is Pronoun click here
🔻What is Adjective click here