This is a thin boy.
- This is a fat boy.
- A blind man cannot see.
- A lame man cannot walk well.
1. নং sentence ত লৰাটো শকত(fat) আৰু 2 নং বাক্যত লৰাটো ক্ষীণ(thin) বুজাইছে । ল’ৰা দুটা কেনেকুৱা ধৰণৰ তাক বুজাইছে ।
3 নং আৰু 4 নং বাক্য দুটাত blind আৰু lame এই word দুটা Noun ৰ আগত বহি মানুহ দুজনে কেনে এই সম্মন্ধ বুজাইছে । blind, lame, fat, thin, হৈছে Adjective.
★মনত ৰাখিবা:- যিবিলাক word এ Noun ৰ গুণাগুণ বা বিশেষত্ব প্ৰকাশ কৰে, ইংৰাজী ব্যাকৰণত তাক Adjective বোলা হয় । ই প্ৰধানকৈ তিনি প্ৰকাৰৰ ।
1. Adjective of Quality
2. Adjective of Quantity.
3. Pronominal Adjective.
1. Adjective of Quality :
যি Adjective এ Noun -ৰ দোষ, গুন, আদি বুজায় সেইবিলাক Adjective of Quality বোলে । Red, blue, black, bright, আদি word বিলাক Adjective of Quality.
Examples: This is a black pencil.
. These are bright stars.
2. Adjective of Quantity:-
যি Adjective এ Noun -ৰ সংখ্যা, পৰিমাণ আদি বুজায় সেইবিলাকক Adjective of Quantity বোলে, যেনে- five, much, many etc.
3. Pronominal Adjective:-
যি Adjective এ Pronoun ৰ সহায় লৈ বহুতৰ মাজত কোনটো সেইটো দেখুৱাই দিয়ে সেইবিলাকেই Pronominal Adjective বোলে ।যেনে- This, Every, which etc.
Examples: This book is on the table.
Which pen is yours.
★মনত ৰাখিবা: ইয়াত Adjective বোৰ Noun ৰ আগত বহি Noun ক qualify কৰে অৰ্থাৎ গুণাগুণ প্ৰকাশ কৰে ।
Adjective বোৰ সাধাৰণতে Noun ৰ আগত বহুৱাই সেইবোৰৰ দোষ, গুণ, অৱস্থা, পৰিমাণ আদি বর্ণনা কৰা হয় । Adjective ৰ এইবিধ ব্যৱহাৰক Attributive use অৰ্থাৎ ‘আৰোপক ব্যৱহাৰ’ বোলা হয় ।
Adjective বোৰ আকৌ Noun -ৰ আগত নবহুৱাই Verb বোৰ সাধাৰণতে be, become, get, seem, grow, আদি হয় ।
Adjective ৰ এইবিধ ব্যৱহাৰক সম্পূৰক ব্যৱহাৰ, PREDICATIVE USE বোলা হয় ।
Adjective | Attributive use | Predicative Use |
old | He is an old man | He is old |
Good | A good boy reads regularly | Her handwriting is good. |
Great | A great man will come | Gandhi ji is great |
Tall | Rani is a tall girl | Rani is growing tall |
ওপৰৰ উদাহৰণবোৰত দেখা যায় যে Adjective এ verb ৰ পাচত বহি পূৰ্বৱৰ্তী Noun ক Qualify কৰিছে । Adjective ৰ এনে ধৰণৰ প্ৰয়োগৰ Predicative Use of Adjective বোলা হয় ।
Comparison Of Adjective
Adjective ৰ তুলনা কৰিবলৈ তিনিটা form আছে । ভাল বা বেয়া নাইবা উত্তম, মধ্যম, অতি উত্তম বুজাবৰ কাৰণে Degree of Comparison ব্যবহাৰ কৰা হয় ।
- Ram is a good boy
- Abhijit is better than Ram
- Prince is the best of all
এই বাক্য তিনিটাত good এ কাৰো লগত তুলনা নকৰাকৈ ভাল (গুণ), better এ দুজনৰ মাজত ভাল আৰু best এ সকলোতকৈ ভাল বুজাইছে । এনেদৰে দোষ, গুণ, পৰিমাণৰ, মাত্ৰা বুজাবলৈ Adjective ৰ তিনিটা Degree of Comparison আছে । সেইবোৰ হ’ল-
- The Positive Degree.
- The Comparative Degree.
- The Superlative Degree.
★মনত ৰাখিবা :- Comparative Degree ৰ Adjective ৰ পাচত সাধাৰণতে than আৰু Superlative Degree ৰ Adjective আগত the বহে । Unique(অদ্বিতীয়) আৰু almighty(সৰ্বশক্তিমান) শব্দৰ Comparative বা Superlative নহয় ।
Formation of Comparative and Superlative Degree
Positive | Comparative | Superlative |
able | abler | ablest |
brave | braver | bravest |
bright | brighter | brightest |
bold | bolder | boldest |
big | bigger | biggest |
bad,evil,ill | worse | worst |
deep | deeper | deepest |
easy | easier | easiest |
few | fewer | fewest |
fat | fatter | fattest |
far | farther | farthest |
fast | faster | fastest |
fine | finer | finest |
great | greater | greatest |
good | better | best |
heavy | heavier | heaviest |
high | higher | highest |
kind | kinder | kindest |
late | later | last |
little | less | least |
lazy | lazier | laziest |
long | longer | longest |
many | more | most |
much | more | most |
noble | nobler | noblest |
near | nearer | nearest |
old | older | oldest |
often | oftener | oftenest |
rich | richer | richest |
small | smaller | smallest |
short | shorter | shortest |
strong | stronger | strongest |
soon | sooner | soonest |
sad | sadder | saddest |
tall | taller | tallest |
thick | thicker | thickest |
ugly | uglier | ugliest |
wealthy | wealthier | wealthiest |
well | better |
best |
ugly | uglier |
ugliest |
wealthy | wealther | wealthiest |
well/good | better | best |
white | whiter | whitest |
wide | wider | widest |
young | younger | youngest |
thin | thinner | thinnest |
beautiful | more beautiful | most beautiful |
difficult | more difficult | most difficult |
handsome | more handsome | most handsome |
honest | more honest | most honest |
intelligent | more intelligent | most intelligent |
interesting | more interesting | most interesting |
important | more important | most important |
–Assam Study Hub
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