Grammar Questions on Determiners of Last 2o Years’ Solved || Last 22 Year’s HSLC SEBA Determiners Solved From 2000 – 2022
HSLC Exam 2022
a. Mr Barua is a man of few words.
b. Ms. Manisha married a European gentleman.
c. I want only a little encouragement from you.
d. Each of the participants will be given a certificate.
HSLC Exam 2020
a. They won the match without much difficulty. (many/much/more)
b. Reading is a useful hobby. (a/an/the)
c. I gave him the few books I had. (few/a few/the few)
d. Kalidasa is the Shakespeare of India. (a/an/the)
HSLC Exam 2019
a. My brother had gone an hour ago. (a/an/the)
b. A busy man has little time to waste. (little/a little/the little)
c. The classes started after the bell rang. (a/an/the)
d. Much of their property was lost in the flood. (Many/much/any)
Last 22 Year’s HSLC SEBA Determiners Solved
HSLC Exam 2018
a. The rich are not always unkind. (a/an/the)
b. The principal gave the students some sound advice. (many/some/more)
c. Every school has a union of the students. (a/an/the)
d. Is there any coffee left in the pot? (any/some/more)
HSLC Exam 2017
a. My brother is an N.C.C. cadet. (a/an/the)
b. We found the house without much difficulty. (many/more/much)
c. He has to feed his family with the little money he earns. (little/a little/the little)
d. Our principal is a man of few words. (few/a few/the few)
HSLC Exam 2016
a. Ramen comes home twice a month. (a/the/an)
b. Mr. Bell rang the bell of alarm and I woke up. (a/an/the)
c. A busy person has little time to waste. (little/a little/the little)
d. Only a few of the applicants were found suitable. (few/a few/the few)
HSLC Exam 2015
a. Please give me a little time to finish the work. (little/a little/the little)
b. Then I will take you to the university. (a/an/the)
Last 22 Year’s HSLC SEBA Determiners Solved
HSLC Exam 2014
a. I gave a one rupee note to the beggar. (a/an/the)
b. My father is much older than my mother. (many/much/more)
c. I buy a few books every month. (few/the few/a few)
d. I need the little money I have. (little/a little/the little)
HSLC Exam 2013
a. He will come back within an hour. (a/an/the)
b. Few men are free from faults. (few/a few/the few)
c. Leap year falls in every fourth year. (any/every/each)
d. A little learning is a dangerous thing. (little/a little/the little)
Translation in Assamese – click here
HSLC Exam 2012
a. Few men are free from faults. (few/a few/the few)
b. An hour has passed since he left us. (a/an/the)
c. Each of the students will be given a copy of the magazine. (every/each/any)
d. Please give me the little money you have. (little/a little/the little)
HSLC Exam 2011
a. The painter is a man of few words. (few/a few/the few)
b. An honorary secretary gets no salary for holding the post. (a/an/the)
C. Each of the candidates must produce his/her identity card. (any/every/each)
d. India won the match with a little bit of luck. (little/a little/the little)
HSLC Exam 2010
a. My brother is an N.C.C. cadet. (a/an/the)
b. First read the few books you have with you. (few/a few/the few)
c. Many of the oranges were rotten. (many/more/much)
d. Socrates gave much useful advice to his pupils. (many/much/more)
e. Hurry up! We have only a little time left. (little/a little/the little)
f. The workers decided to form a union. (a/an/the)
HSLC Exam 2009
a. He gave away the little money he had to the beggar. (little/a little/the little)
b. Reading is a useful hobby. (a/an/the)
c. Only a few of the candidates were suitable. (few/a few/the few)
c. They won the match without much difficulty. (much/more/many)
d. Each of the competitors will get a certificate. (any/each/every)
e. I don’t expect any help from them. (Some/any/many)
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HSLC Exam 2008
a. Many guests were invited but only a few turned up. (the few/a few/few)
b. This is the European lady I was talking about. (a/an/the)
c. I cannot give you any money. (any/a little/some)
d. We found the house without much difficulty. (much/many/more)
e. Sri Lanka is an island. (a/an/the)
f. Each of the boys was rewarded. (each/every/any)
Last 22 Year’s HSLC SEBA Determiners Solved
HSLC Exam 2007
a. He has a few friends who stand by him. (few/a few/the few)
b. Did you have any difficulty in finding the house? (much/any/many)
c. His brother is a university student. (a/an/the)
d. I appreciate even the little help they gave me. (little/a little/the little)
e. An umbrella is a useful thing. (a/an/the)
f. Have you any book to read? (some/many/any)
HSLC Exam 2006
a. That girl has many good qualities. (much/more/many)
b. Can you help me with a little money? (little/a little/the little)
c. Our principal is a man of few words. (few/a few/the few)
d. Did you buy any oranges today? (any/some/many)
e. Our teacher gave us much useful advice. (many/more/much)
f. Kalidasa is the Shakespeare of India. (a/an/the)

HSLC Exam 2005
a. Only a few among the invitees turned up. (few/a few/the few)
b. Do you have any books on astrology? (some/any)
c. You will have to manage with the little money you have. (little/a little/the little)
d. An undergraduate cannot apply for that post. (a/an/the)
e. The society gives much respect to a thinker. (many/more/much)
f. This is not a usual happening? (a/an/the)
HSLC Exam 2004
a. This is the room I work in. (a/an/the)
b. Many of the apples were rotten. (many/much/more)
c. Only a few of the applicants were suitable. (few/a few/the few)
d. I expect only a little encouragement from you. (little/a little/the little)
e. The workers decided to form a union. (a/an/the)
f. Did you buy any bread today? (some/any/many)
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HSLC Exam 2003
a. Much of their property was destroyed in the flood. (many/much/more)
b. He has to manage with the little money he earns. (little/a little/the little)
c. This is the European lady I was talking about. (a/an/the).
d. Many guests were invited but only a few turned up. (few/a few/the few)
e. We found the house without much difficulty. (much/many/more)
f. Rajanikanta is called the Scott of Assam. (a/an/the)
HSLC Exam 2002
a. I cannot give you any money. (any/some/a little)
b. Our principal is a man of few words. (few/a few/the few)
c. She doesn’t get much time for studies. (many/much/some)
d. My brother is an N.C.C. cadet. (a/an/the)
e. This story is very interesting. (much/more/very).
f. He has to feed his family with the little money he earns. (little/a little/the little)
HSLC Exam 2001
a. He gave me a one rupee note. (a/an/the)
b. Can you lend me a few books? (few/a few/the few)
c. He is much older than his wife. (more/much/many)
d. He will stay here for a little while. (little/a little/ the little)
e. Each of the boys has done his work. (every/some/each)
f. She has lots of things to do. (lots of/much/most)
HSLC Exam 2000
a. I received much encouragement from my parents. (much/more/many)
b. My brother is an NCC cadet. (a/an/the)
c. He doesn’t trust the few friends he has. (few/a few/the few)
d. A busy person has little time to waste. (little/a little/the little)
Last 22 Year’s HSLC SEBA Determiners Solved
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