voice change in assamese
An action of a subject in relation to an object is expressed in two ways two called Voice.
👉 I write a letter.
👉 A letter is written by me.
ওপৰৰ Sentence দুটাই একে অৰ্থকেই প্ৰকাশ কৰিছে । কিন্তু সিহঁতৰ আকাৰ বা form বেলেগ । একে অৰ্থকেই বুজাবৰ বাবে sentence ৰ যি দুইৰকমৰ আকাৰ বা form হয়, তাকেই voice বা বাচ্য বোলে ।
Voice can be categorized into two categories-
• Active Voice
• Passive Voice
In most English sentences with an action verb, the subject performs the action denoted by the verb. These examples show that the subject is doing Example she verb’s action.
Structure: Subject + verb + object
Example :
1) The cat killed a rat. (মেকুৰীটোৱে এটা এন্দুৰ মাৰি ছিল।)
ওপৰৰ sentence টোৰ ‘cat’ ‘doer of the action’ and ‘rat’ receiver of the action.ইয়াত কৰাটোৱেই পোনপটীয়াকৈ কামটো কৰিছে।গতিকে ই সক্ৰিয় (active) হৈ আছে।
যিবোৰ sentence ৰ doer of the action সক্ৰিয় সেইবোৰ sentence ৰ verb Active Voice ত হয়। ওপৰৰ প্ৰথম sentenceটোৰ ‘killed’verb টো active voiceত আছে।
Passive voice is used when the focus is on the action. It is not important or not known, however, who or what is performing the action.
Structure:Object + be verb + verb of past participle+ by+ subject
Example :
A rat was killed by the cat. (মেকুৰী টোৰ দ্বাৰা এটা এন্দুৰ মাৰাঠী হৈছিল।)
Sentence ত receiver of the action ৰ ওপৰত গুৰুত্ব দিয়া হৈছে। ইয়াক object ৰ পৰা আনি subject হিচাপে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হৈছে। প্ৰথম sentenceৰ subject’cat’ ইয়াত passive ত আছে। ই ‘by‘ preposition ৰ object ৰূপে ব্যৱহৃত হৈছে
Rule 1.
Rule 2.
Rule 3:
a) Present indefinite tense ৰ active voice ৰ পৰা passive voice লৈ ৰূপান্তৰ কৰাৰ নিয়ম:-
Structure : Object change into subject +am/is/are +v3+ by + subject change into object.
Active-He loves me.
Passive- I am loved by him.
Active- we eat rice.
Passive- Rice is eaten by us.
b) Present continuous tense ৰ active voice ৰ পৰা passive voice লৈ ৰূপান্তৰ কৰাৰ নিয়ম:-
Structure: Object change into subject + am being/is being/are being +v 3+ by +subject change into object.
Active: I am writing a letter.
Passive: A letter is being written by me.
Active: He is doing the sum
Passive: The sum is being done by him.
c) Present perfect tense ৰ active voice ৰ পৰা passive voice লৈ ৰূপান্তৰ কৰাৰ নিয়ম:-
Structure: Object change into subject + have been/ has been + v3+ by+Subject change into object.
Active: He has eaten rice.
Passive: Rice has been eaten by him.
Active:I have played football.
Passive: Football has been played by me.
d) Past indefinite tense ৰ active voice ৰ পৰা passive voice লৈ ৰূপান্তৰ কৰাৰ নিয়ম :-
Structure: Object change into subject + was/were+v3+ by + subject change into object
Active: I ate a mango.
Passive: A mango was eaten by me.
Active: we caught the thief.
Passive: The thief was caught by us.
e) Past continuous tense ৰ active voice ৰ পৰা passive voice লৈ ৰূপান্তৰ কৰাৰ নিয়ম:-
Structure: Object change into subject + was being/were being + v3+ by + subject change into object.
Active: I was doing the work.
Passive: The work was being done by me.
Active: They were helping us.
Passive: we were being helped by them.
f) Past perfect tense ৰ active voice ৰ পৰা passive voice লৈ ৰূপান্তৰ কৰাৰ নিয়ম:-
Structure: Object change into subject +had been + v3+ by +subject change into object.
Active: I had lost the ring.
Passive: The ring had been lost by me.
Active: we had dug the cannel.
Passive: The cannel had been dug by us.
g)Future indefinite tense ৰ active voice ৰ পৰা passive voice লৈ ৰূপান্তৰ কৰাৰ নিয়ম :-
Object change into Subject + shall be/will be +
v3+ by + subject change into object.
Active:I shall learn the lesson.
Passive: The lesson will be learnt by me.
Active: Everyone will blame us for this
Passive: we shall be blamed for this by everyone.
h) Future continuous tense ৰ active voice ৰ পৰা passive voice লৈ ৰূপান্তৰ কৰাৰ নিয়ম:–
Object change into subject + shall be being/will be being +v3+ by + subject change into object.
Active: I will be eating rice.
Passive: Rice will be being eaten by me.
Active: They will be playing football.
Passive: Football will be being
i) Future perfect tense ৰ active voice ৰ পৰা passive voice লৈ ৰূপান্তৰ কৰাৰ নিয়ম:-
Object change into subject + shall have been /will have been+v3+ by + subject change into object.
Active: I will have read the novel.
Passive: The novel will have been read by me.
Active: They will have caught the fish.
Passive: The fish will have been caught by them.
Passive-He is known to me.
Active-we pleased him.
Passive- He was pleased with us.
Active-Your conduct surprised me.
Passive-I was surprised at your conduct.
Rule 4:
May, might, can, could, must, ought to, going to থাকিলে active voice ৰ পৰা passive voice লৈ ৰূপান্তৰ কৰাৰ নিয়ম-
Object change into subject + may, might, can, could, must,ought to, going to+be + V3+ by + subject change into object.
Active:I may help you.
Passive: you may be helped by me.
Active: you must do the work. Passive: The work must be done by you
Active: we ought to obey our teachers. Passive:our teachers ought to be obeyed by us.
Active: we are going to open a shop.
Passive: A shop is going to be opened by us.
Rule 5
Retained object (active voice ৰ object টো passive voice তো object হৈ থাকে)Give, teach, ask, fill, buy, promise আদি transitive verb ৰ দুটা object থাকে। passive voice কৰোঁতে এটা subject হয় আৰু আনটো object হৈ থাকে।
Examples– Active-Rima gave me a pen(retained object)
Passive-I was given a pen by Rima Or A pen was given me by Rima.
Rule 6
Ommission of the agent:কিছুমান sentence ৰ object টোৰ শেষত doer of the action উল্লেখ নাথাকিলেও object ক প্রাধান্য দি অৰ্থ পূর্ণ subject ব্যৱহৃত হয়।
Active-people call him Mahatma. Passive-He is called Mahatma.
Active-I lost the money. Passive– The money was lost.
N.B : যিবোৰ Active Voice ত doer of the action ৰ প্রাধান্য কম সেইবোৰ Passive Voice ত doer of the action ৰ উল্লেখ নকৰিলেও হয়।
Rule 7 Imperative sentence ৰ verb ক passive voice লৈ নিবলৈ হলে sentence ৰ আৰম্ভণিতে ‘let’ বহুৱাব লাগে।
Examples – Active-Do this sum. Passive-Let this sum be done. Active-send for the doctor. Passive-Let the doctor be sent for.
কেতিয়াবা let নবহাকৈ passive voice কৰা হয়।
Active-please sing a song. Passive-You are requested to sing a song.
Rule 8 Passive voice of Interrogative sentence:
Active– What are you doing? Passive-what is being done by you?
Active-Who broke the glass? Passive-By whom was the glass broken?
Active-Did he eat the mango? Passive-Was the mango eaten by him?
Rule 9 Quasi passive verbs : কিছুমান transitive verbs দেখাতে active voice ত থাকে কিন্তু ইহতেশামুল passive voice ৰ অৰ্থ প্ৰকাশ কৰে। এইবোৰেই quasi passive verb.
Examples: Active-Honey tests sweet. Passive– honey is sweet when it is tested.
Active– The rose smells sweet. Passive-The rose is sweet when it is smelt.
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