An action of a subject in relation to an object is expressed in two ways two called Voice.
👉 I write a letter.
👉 A letter is written by me.
ওপৰৰ Sentence দুটাই একে অৰ্থকেই প্ৰকাশ কৰিছে । কিন্তু সিহঁতৰ আকাৰ বা form বেলেগ । একে অৰ্থকেই বুজাবৰ বাবে sentence ৰ যি দুইৰকমৰ আকাৰ বা form হয়, তাকেই voice বা বাচ্য বোলে ।
Voice can be categorized into two categories-
• Active Voice
• Passive Voice
• Active Voice :-
In most English sentences with an action verb, the subject performs the action denoted by the verb. These examples show that the subject is doing Example she verb’s action.
Structure: Subject + verb + object
Example :
1) The cat killed a rat. (মেকুৰীটোৱে এটা এন্দুৰ মাৰি ছিল।)
ওপৰৰ sentence টোৰ ‘cat’ ‘doer of the action’ and ‘rat’ receiver of the action.ইয়াত কৰাটোৱেই পোনপটীয়াকৈ কামটো কৰিছে।গতিকে ই সক্ৰিয় (active) হৈ আছে।
যিবোৰ sentence ৰ doer of the action সক্ৰিয় সেইবোৰ sentence ৰ verb Active Voice ত হয়। ওপৰৰ প্ৰথম sentenceটোৰ ‘killed’verb টো active voiceত আছে।
• Passive voice:
Passive voice is used when the focus is on the action. It is not important or not known, however, who or what is performing the action.
Structure:Object + be verb + verb of past participle+ by+ subject
Example :
A rat was killed by the cat. (মেকুৰী টোৰ দ্বাৰা এটা এন্দুৰ মাৰাঠী হৈছিল।)
Sentence ত receiver of the action ৰ ওপৰত গুৰুত্ব দিয়া হৈছে। ইয়াক object ৰ পৰা আনি subject হিচাপে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হৈছে। প্ৰথম sentenceৰ subject’cat’ ইয়াত passive ত আছে। ই ‘by‘ preposition ৰ object ৰূপে ব্যৱহৃত হৈছে
Active voice ক passive voice লৈ ৰূপান্তৰ কৰাৰ নিয়মসমুহ :-
Rule 1.
- a) Active voice ৰ subject টো passive voice ৰ object হৈ যায়।
- b) Active voice ৰ objectহৈ টো passive voice ত subject লৈ ৰূপান্তৰ হয়।
- C) Main verb ৰ past participle হয় আৰু subject আৰু tense অনুসৰি auxiliary verb/be verb হয়।
Rule 2.
- Indefinite tense:
- a) Present indefinite – am, is, are.
- b) Past indefinite was, were
- c) Future indefinite – shall be, will be.
- Continuous tense
- a) Present Continuous- am being, is being, are being.
- b) Past Continuous was being, were being
- c) Future Continuous shall be being, will be being.
- Perfect tense
- a) Present Perfect- has been, have been.
- b) Past Perfect- had been.
- c) Future Perfect- shall have been, will have been.
Rule 3:
a) Present indefinite tense ৰ active voice ৰ পৰা passive voice লৈ ৰূপান্তৰ কৰাৰ নিয়ম:-
Structure : Object change into subject +am/is/are +v3+ by + subject change into object.
Active-He loves me.
Passive- I am loved by him.
Active- we eat rice.
Passive- Rice is eaten by us.
b) Present continuous tense ৰ active voice ৰ পৰা passive voice লৈ ৰূপান্তৰ কৰাৰ নিয়ম:-
Structure: Object change into subject + am being/is being/are being +v 3+ by +subject change into object.
Active: I am writing a letter.
Passive: A letter is being written by me.
Active: He is doing the sum
Passive: The sum is being done by him.
c) Present perfect tense ৰ active voice ৰ পৰা passive voice লৈ ৰূপান্তৰ কৰাৰ নিয়ম:-
Structure: Object change into subject + have been/ has been + v3+ by+Subject change into object.
Active: He has eaten rice.
Passive: Rice has been eaten by him.
Active:I have played football.
Passive: Football has been played by me.
d) Past indefinite tense ৰ active voice ৰ পৰা passive voice লৈ ৰূপান্তৰ কৰাৰ নিয়ম :-
Structure: Object change into subject + was/were+v3+ by + subject change into object
Active: I ate a mango.
Passive: A mango was eaten by me.
Active: we caught the thief.
Passive: The thief was caught by us.
e) Past continuous tense ৰ active voice ৰ পৰা passive voice লৈ ৰূপান্তৰ কৰাৰ নিয়ম:-
Structure: Object change into subject + was being/were being + v3+ by + subject change into object.
Active: I was doing the work.
Passive: The work was being done by me.
Active: They were helping us.
Passive: we were being helped by them.
f) Past perfect tense ৰ active voice ৰ পৰা passive voice লৈ ৰূপান্তৰ কৰাৰ নিয়ম:-
Structure: Object change into subject +had been + v3+ by +subject change into object.
Active: I had lost the ring.
Passive: The ring had been lost by me.
Active: we had dug the cannel.
Passive: The cannel had been dug by us.
g)Future indefinite tense ৰ active voice ৰ পৰা passive voice লৈ ৰূপান্তৰ কৰাৰ নিয়ম :-
Object change into Subject + shall be/will be +
v3+ by + subject change into object.
Active:I shall learn the lesson.
Passive: The lesson will be learnt by me.
Active: Everyone will blame us for this
Passive: we shall be blamed for this by everyone.
h) Future continuous tense ৰ active voice ৰ পৰা passive voice লৈ ৰূপান্তৰ কৰাৰ নিয়ম:–
Object change into subject + shall be being/will be being +v3+ by + subject change into object.
Active: I will be eating rice.
Passive: Rice will be being eaten by me.
Active: They will be playing football.
Passive: Football will be being
i) Future perfect tense ৰ active voice ৰ পৰা passive voice লৈ ৰূপান্তৰ কৰাৰ নিয়ম:-
Object change into subject + shall have been /will have been+v3+ by + subject change into object.
Active: I will have read the novel.
Passive: The novel will have been read by me.
Active: They will have caught the fish.
Passive: The fish will have been caught by them.
- Passive voice ত কেতিয়াবা ” by ” Preposition ৰ পৰিবৰ্তে ” to”,”With”, “at” Preposition হয়।
- Examples:- Active-I know him.
Passive-He is known to me.
Active-we pleased him.
Passive- He was pleased with us.
Active-Your conduct surprised me.
Passive-I was surprised at your conduct.
Rule 4:
May, might, can, could, must, ought to, going to থাকিলে active voice ৰ পৰা passive voice লৈ ৰূপান্তৰ কৰাৰ নিয়ম-
Object change into subject + may, might, can, could, must,ought to, going to+be + V3+ by + subject change into object.
Active:I may help you.
Passive: you may be helped by me.
Active: you must do the work. Passive: The work must be done by you
Active: we ought to obey our teachers. Passive:our teachers ought to be obeyed by us.
Active: we are going to open a shop.
Passive: A shop is going to be opened by us.
Rule 5
Retained object (active voice ৰ object টো passive voice তো object হৈ থাকে)Give, teach, ask, fill, buy, promise আদি transitive verb ৰ দুটা object থাকে। passive voice কৰোঁতে এটা subject হয় আৰু আনটো object হৈ থাকে।
Examples– Active-Rima gave me a pen(retained object)
Passive-I was given a pen by Rima Or A pen was given me by Rima.
Rule 6
Ommission of the agent:কিছুমান sentence ৰ object টোৰ শেষত doer of the action উল্লেখ নাথাকিলেও object ক প্রাধান্য দি অৰ্থ পূর্ণ subject ব্যৱহৃত হয়।
Active-people call him Mahatma. Passive-He is called Mahatma.
Active-I lost the money. Passive– The money was lost.
N.B : যিবোৰ Active Voice ত doer of the action ৰ প্রাধান্য কম সেইবোৰ Passive Voice ত doer of the action ৰ উল্লেখ নকৰিলেও হয়।
Rule 7 Imperative sentence ৰ verb ক passive voice লৈ নিবলৈ হলে sentence ৰ আৰম্ভণিতে ‘let’ বহুৱাব লাগে।
Examples – Active-Do this sum. Passive-Let this sum be done. Active-send for the doctor. Passive-Let the doctor be sent for.
কেতিয়াবা let নবহাকৈ passive voice কৰা হয়।
Active-please sing a song. Passive-You are requested to sing a song.
Rule 8 Passive voice of Interrogative sentence:
Active– What are you doing? Passive-what is being done by you?
Active-Who broke the glass? Passive-By whom was the glass broken?
Active-Did he eat the mango? Passive-Was the mango eaten by him?
Rule 9 Quasi passive verbs : কিছুমান transitive verbs দেখাতে active voice ত থাকে কিন্তু ইহতেশামুল passive voice ৰ অৰ্থ প্ৰকাশ কৰে। এইবোৰেই quasi passive verb.
Examples: Active-Honey tests sweet. Passive– honey is sweet when it is tested.
Active– The rose smells sweet. Passive-The rose is sweet when it is smelt.
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