1.He writes a letter to my mother.
2.He wrote a letter to my sister.
3.He will write a letter to my father.
In sentence 1.the verb write refers the Present time. In sentence 2.the verb wrote refers the past time. In sentence 3.the verb will write refers the future time.
Therefore, verb may refers to
1. Present time
2. Past time
3. Future time.
Tense | Simple(indefinite) | Continuous | Perfect | Perfect Continuous |
PRESENT | Subject+verb(base form or with “es”)+object | Subject+am/is/are+(verb first form + ing ) +object/compliment | Subject+has/have+pat participle of (3rd form ) +object/compliment | Subject+have been/has been+(verb 1st form+ing)+since/for+time reference |
PAST | Subject+verb 2nd form+object | Subject+was/were+verb 1st form+ing+object | 1.Subject+had past participle form of verb 3rd form)+object,Before,sub+verb simple past form+object 2.After+subject+had+past participle form of verb+object,Subject+verb simple past form+object | Subject+had been+verb 1st form+ing+object+for/since+time reference |
FUTURE | Subject+shall/will+verb 1st form+object | Subject+will/shall+be+verb 1st form+ing+object | Subject+will/shall+have+verb 3rd form+object | Subject+will/shall+have been+verb 1st form+ing+object+for/since+time+reference |
Sentences | Simple(indefinite) | Continuous | Perfect | Perfect Continuous |
Affirmative | Subject+verb(base form or with es)+object | Subject+am/is/are+(verb 1st form+ing)+object+compliment | Subject+have/has+past participle of verb(3rd form) | Subject+have been/has been+(verb 1st form+ing)+since/for+time |
Negative | Subject+do/does+not+verb 1st form+object | Subject+am/is/are+not+(verb 1st form+ing)+object | Subject+has/have+not+past particle of verb(verb 3rd form) | Subject+has not been/have not been+(verb 1st form+ing)+since/for+time |
Interrogative | Do/does+subject+verb 1st form+object | Is/am/are+subject+(verb 1st form +ing)+object | Has/have+subject+past participle of verb(3rd form) | Has/have+subject+been+(verb 1st form+ing)+since/for+time |
Sentences | Simple(indefinite) | Continuous | Perfect | Perfect Continuous |
Affirmative | Subject+verb 2nd form+object | Subject+was/were+verb(1st form)+ing+object | 1.Subject+had+past participle form of verb(3rd form)+object,before,sub+verb simple past form+object 2.After+subject+had+past participle form of verb+object,Subject+verb simple past form+object | Subject+had +been+verb(1st form)+ing+object+for/since+time |
Negative | Subject+did not+verb 1st form+object | Subject+was not/were not+verb( 1st form)+ing+object | Subject+had not+past participle form of verb(3rd form)+object,Before,Sub+verb past simple form+object | Subject+had+not+been+verb(1st form)+ing+object+for/since+time |
Interrogative | Did+subject+verb 1st form+object | Was/were+subject+(verb 1st form)+ing+object | Had+subject+past participle of verb+object,Before,Sub+verb simple past form+object | Had+subject+been+(verb 1st form)+ing+since/for+time |
Sentences | Simple(indefinite) | Continuous | Perfect | Perfect Continuous |
Affirmative | Subject+will/shall+verb 1st form+object | Subject+will/shall+be+verb 1st form+ing+object | Subject+will/shall+have+verb(3rd form)+object | Subject+will/shall+have been+verb(1st form)+ing+object+for/since+time |
Negative | Subject+will not/shall not+verb 1st form+object | Subject+will/shall+not+be+verb(1st form)+ing+object | Subject+will/shall+not+have+been+verb(3rd form)+object | Subject+will/shall+not+have+been+(verb 1st form)+ing+object+for/since+time |
Interrogative | Will/shall+subject+verb(1st form)+object | Will/shall+subject+be+verb(1st form)+ing+object | Will/shall+subject+have+verb(3rd form)+object | Will/shall+subject+have been+verb(1st form)+ing+object+for/since+time |
• A verb that refers to present time is said to be in the Present tense; as,He writes.
• A verb that refers to past time is said to be in the Past tense; as,He wrote.
• A verb that refers to future time is said to be in the Future tense; as,He will write.
Thus there are three main Tenses:The Present, the Past, the Future The Tense of a Verb shows the time of an action or event.
1. To express Habitual Action ; I go to school everyday . He works hard.
2. To express Universal Truth ; Honey is sweet. The earth moves round the sun.
3. To express planned future event ; He leaves for guwahati tomorrow. She comes here on Sunday next.
4. To express ownership ; He owns a Mercedes. I hold a powerful post.
5. To express historical events/ facts ; Alexander now rushes upon the enemy. India becomes free in 1947 .
6. To express quotations ; Shakespeare says, “Neither a borrower nor a lender be .” Gray says, “Let not ambition mock their useful toil. “
7. To express newspaper headlines ;
8. To begin Imperative sentences ; Help the poor. Always speak truth.
9.Simple Present is used for following verbs instead of Present continuous;
• Verbs of Perception: smell, see, notice, hear etc. *Verbs of Possession: belong, contain, own,possess, consists of etc. • Verbs of Appearing: seem, look etc. Verbs of Emotion: refuse, hate, hope, wish, like etc. •Verbs of Thinking: agree, suppose, forget,imagine, remember etc.
= I think he is not honest. (correct)
10.Imperative sentences start from Do not Do not make a noise.
●Structure of Affirmative sentences :Subject+Verb(base form or with es) + Object Rima reads book. Amit plays at park. Priyanka speaks truth.
●Structure of Interrogative sentences :Do/Does+Object/Compliment Do you watch news daily? Does he attend classes regularly?
●Structure of Negative sentences : Subject+do/does+not +Verb(First Form) +Object/Compliment He does not take alcohol.
1.For an action going on at the time of speaking: The boys are playing football.
2.For a temporary action: I am reading a novel. (but I am not reading at this moment) Delhi is facing electricity problem these days.
3.For an action that has already been arranged to take place in the near future: l am going to write a letter to my friend.
4.To express actions in progress, but not necessarily at the time of speaking. I am writing a novel these days.
●Structure of Interrogative Sentences:am/is/are +Subject +(Verb first form+ing)+object/compliment Am I singing a song?
●Structure of Negative Sentences:Subject+is/am/are+not+(Verb first form+ing)+object/compliment
Example: I am not singing a song.
1.An action or situation that was started in
the past and continues in the present;
We have lived here since 1996.
2.An action that was completed in the very
recent past, expressed by just I have just finished my road trip.
3.A repeated action in an unspecified period
between the past and nown;
We have visited Manali several times.4.To express news of recent events;
Rupee has fallen against dollar.
• Structure of Affirmative sentences: Subject +has/have + Past participle of verb
I have travelled.
Structures of Negative sentences: Subject +has/have not + Past participle of verb I have not travelled.
Structure of Interrogative sentences:Has/have +Subject +Past participle of verb
Have I travelled?
Use of for and since is there in this tense.
• Use of for: “for” is used before uncertain
time. She has been listening songs for 2 hours.
• Use of Since: “Since”is used for certain time.
She has been living in United States of
America Since 1998.
• Structure of Affirmative Sentences:
Subject +has been/have been +(Verb 1st
form + ing)+Since/for +time reference
She has been living in USA for five years.
• Structure of Interrogative Sentences:
has/Have +Subject+ been +(Verb 1st form+ing)+Since/for +time reference
Has she been living in USA for five years?
• Structure of Negative Sentences:
Subject +has not been/have not been +(Verb 1St form +ing)+ Since/for +time reference
She has not been living in USA for five years.
Time of action
is not specified but it makes a sense that
action is just completed.
Important Uses of simple past tense:
1.Use with “when” and “While“
While I spoke, they dozed.
When I lived in Delhi, I generally travelled by bus.
2.Use with “till“, “until“, “as soon as” and “before“
As soon as I finished the novel, my father arrived.
waited him till it got dark.
3.Use with “wish“
wish I were a Queen.
• Structure of Affirmative sentences Subject +Verb 2nd form+ Object
She loved.
• Structure of Interrogative sentences
Did +Subject+ Verb 1st form+ Object
Did she love?
• Structure of Negative sentences:
Subject +did not + Verb 1St form+Object She did not love.
The Past Continuous is used to express an on-going nature or
continued action till a certain time in past. It is used to talk about a continuing action at a particular time in the past.If starting time of the action is given and
actions remain continued, the Past Continuous Tense becomes Past Perfect Continuous Tense.
• Structure of Affirmative Sentence
Subject + Was/Were + Verb (lst form) + ing+Object +(others)
I was playing cricket.
• Structure of Negative Sentence :
Subject + Was not/Were not + Verb (lst form)+ing +Object+ (others)
I was not playing cricket.
The Past Perfect Tense refers to something
that occurred in the past, before another
action in the past.
He had jumped into the water before she told
him how cold it was. It is also used to express unfulfilled wish:If I had requested him, he could have helped me.
• Structure of Affirmative sentences; Subject +had +past participle form of verb+object, before, sub+ verb past simple form+ object
She had loved me before we broke up.
After+ Subject +had +past participle form
of verb+ object, Subject +Verb past simple
form + object
After I had taken my breakfast, I went to
Past Perfect Continuous Tense is used to express a continued or on going action that
started in past and is continued until
sometime in past. There will always a time reference like for a few days, for few months, for 7 years, since Wednesday, since
2013, since January etc. If there is no time
reference, then it is not a Past perfect
continuous tense. Without time reference, it
is Past Continuous Tense.
• Structure of Affirmative Sentences:
Subject + had + been + Verb (lst form) + ing +Object + For/Since + Time+Remaining
He had been playing cricket since 1987
• Structure of Negative Sentences:
Subject+ had + Not + been + Verb (lst form)+ing + Object + For/Since + Time +
He had not been playing cricket since 1987.
The Simple Future is used to express an action which has not
occurred/happened yet and will
occur/happen after sometime in future.
General Uses:
1. To express Natural/habitual actions in the future.
Winter will come in December.
2. To express offer/Invitation and Suggestion:
Shall I sing a song for you?
3. To express Imagination;
I think he will be the next president of India.
4. To express Intention and strong probability : I am going to buy a motor car. It is going to rain today.
• Structure of Affirmative Sentences:
Subject +will/shall +verb first form + object
Namita will dance.
• Structure of Interrogative sentences; will/shall+subject+verb first form+object will Namita dance?
• Structure of Negative sentences ; Subject+shall/will+not+verb first form+ object Namita will not dance.
The Future Continuous tense is used to express an ongoing or continued
action in future.
General Uses:
1. To express Imaginations;
He will be playing.
2.To expresss plans:
She will be waiting for me.
• Structure of Affirmative Sentences:
Subject + Will/Shall+ Be + Verb (Ist form) +ing +Object
She will be playing.
• Structure of Negative Sentences:
Subject + Will/Shall + Not Be + Verb (lst
form)+Ing + Object
She will not be playing.
The Future Perfect is used to express an action which will
happen/occur in future and will be completed
by a certain time of future or by the
end/completion of some action in future.
General Uses:
1.To express actions to be completed by a certain time He will have done the work before we return home.
2.To express assumptions:
You will have heard the name of Steve Jobs.
• Structure of Affirmative Sentences: Subject+ Will/Shall+ Have + Verb (3rd form)+Object
Tina will have taken the dinner.
• Structure of Negative Sentences: Subject + Will/Shall+ Not + Have +Verb (3rd
form) +Object Tina will not have taken the dinner
Future Perfect Continuous Tense is used to express a continued or ongoing action that will commence at a fix time or in future and will continue for some time in future.
• Structure of Affirmative Sentences:
Subject +Will/Shall+ Have been + Verb (Ist
form)+ Ing+Object + For/Since + Time+
Priya will have been watching television
since morning.
• Structure of Negative Sentences:
Subject + Will/Shall + Not+ Have been+ Verb(lst form) + Ing + Object + For/Since+Time Priya will have not been watching
television since morning.
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