কিছুমান Sentence বিলাকত থকা on,in,at,under,with,for- এই word-বোৰ Preposition. এই word বোৰে Noun বা Pronoun -ৰ আগত বহি sentence-ৰ আন শব্দৰ লগত সম্মন্ধ স্থাপন কৰিছে । Preposition এবিধ bridge word বা সংযোগ সাধনকাৰী শব্দ । ( Preposition- অব্যয় in Assamese language )
গতিকে যিবিলাক word -এ Noun -বা Pronoun- ৰ আগত বহি sentence -ৰ আন শব্দৰ লগত সম্মন্ধ দেখুৱায় সেইবোৰ word ক Preposition বোলে ।
🔘 Preposition হব লাগিলে তাৰ এটা object থাকিবই লাগিব ।
🔘 Preposition -ৰ স্থান —–
👉 যি noun বা noun equivalent -ক preposition টোৱে govern কৰে ই ঠিক সেই Noun বা Noun Equivalent ৰ আগত বহে ।যেনে- He is in the room. We live on food.
👉 কেতিয়াবা আকৌ object টোৰ পাছতহে preposition বহে । যেনে- This is the book I spoke of. I want a pen to write with. I have nobody to depend on.
👉 Interrogative word -ক object ৰ দৰে govern কৰিলে preposition টো বাক্যৰ শেষত বহে । যেনে- What are you thinking of? Where does he come from? What class do you read in?
🔺তলত কিছুমান Preposition অৰ্থৰ সৈতে দিয়া হ’ল-
At- ত; With- লগত, সৈতে; Up- ওপৰত; On- কোনো বস্তুৰ ওপৰত; In- ভিতৰত; To- লৈ, প্ৰতি; Into- ভিতৰলৈ; By- ৰে; For- বাবে; Behind- পিছফালে; From- পৰা; After- পিছত; Inside- ভিতৰত; Of-ৰ; Under- তলত; Outside- বাহিৰত; Over- ওপৰত; Before- আগতে;
Preposition বিলাকক সাধাৰণতে দুটা ভাগত ভগাব পাৰি – Simple আৰু Complex .
এটা শব্দৰ preposition বিলাকক Simple Preposition বোলা হয় । যেনে: in, at, on, by, of, under, into, about ইত্যদি ।
এটাতকৈ অধিক শব্দযুক্ত Preposition বিলাকক Complex Prepositon বোলা হয় । যেনে: along with, because of, instead of, in between, due to, on account of etc.
👉 Time and Date :
🔺At: নিৰ্দিষ্ট সময় বুজোৱা শব্দৰ আগত বহে । যেনে:- at 10 o’clock; at noon; at sunset; at Christmas.
🔺On: নিৰ্দিষ্ট দিন, তাৰিখ, বাৰ আদিৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত যেনে:- On Sunday; on the third july; on the morning of 31 Marc.
🔺 In: বেলা, মাহ, ঋতু, বছৰ আদিৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত- যেনে : In the morning, in the Evening, in july, in winter, in 1947, in five years etc.
🔺 On time আৰু in time : On time এ নিৰ্ধাৰিত সময়ত বুজায় কিন্তু in time -এ যথা সময়ত বা দেৰি নোহোৱা বুজায় । যেনে : The 9:30 train started on time. We were in time for the 9:30 train.
👉 Preposition of Place-
🔺 At and In– সৰু ঠাইৰ আগত “at” আৰু ডাঙৰ ঠাইয়ৰ আগত “in” ব্যৱহাৰ হয় ।
🔺 Place of residence বুজাবলৈ In ব্যাবহাৰ হয় । যেনে- Many Indian people like to live in cities. Similarly- in a village; in a suburbs, in the desert but at the seaside and on an island.
🔺 Country, continent, large town etc ক্ষেত্ৰত in বহে । যেনে- He used to live in China. My brother lives in Assam
🔺 House (place of Residence) -ৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত in বহে । যেনে- The man lives in a big bungalow. Similarly- in a cottage, in a mansion, in a modern house, in a flat, in a hotel, etc.
🔺 For the name of street and roads use in Example:- He lives in J.p.road
🔺 Place of work ৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত in বহে । যেনে – My brother works in a bank.
🔺 আমি এটা ঠাইৰ পৰা আন ঠাই লৈ গলে by bus, by car, by train, by boat, by sea, by plane যাও । কিন্তু খোঁজকাঢ়ি , ঘোঁৰা ৰ পিঠিত বা হাতীৰ পিঠিত গলে on foot, on horseback, on elephant’s back হয় ।
কিন্তু যেতিয়া বিশেষ বা নিজা বাহন ব্যবহাৰ কৰা হয় তেতিয়া by বাবহাৰ কৰিব নোৱাৰি । যেনে- We arrived in a taxi. He made the journey in his own car. We came in our own car.
🔺 Beside, Besides = Beside মানে কাষত (By the side of) আৰু Besides মানে উপৰিও বুঝায়।
যেনে- He sits beside me. I have two pens besides this.
🔺 By, With = কৰ্তা ৰ আগত by আৰু যিহেৰে বা যাৰ দ্বাৰা কাৰ্য কৰা হয় তাৰ আগতে with বহে । বা ব্যাক্তিৰ আগত by আৰু বস্তুৰ আগত with ব্যাবহাৰ হয় ।।
যেনে- The tiger was killed by the hunter(কৰ্তা) with a gun.(যাৰ দ্বাৰা)
🔺Before, within = Point of time বুজালে before আৰু Period of time বুঝালে within ব্যাবহাৰ হয় ।.
যেনে- I must return before 3 p.m. He will return within a month.
🔺 In , Into = ভিতৰত বুজালে in আৰু ভিতৰলৈ গতি কৰা বুজালে Into হয় ।
যেনে- He walks in the garden. He walked into the garden.
🔺Across, Along = এফালৰ পৰা আনফালে গতি কৰা বুজালে Across আৰু পোনে পোনে গতি কৰা বুজালে Along হয় । যেনে – He sails across the sea. He walks along the street.
🔺 On, Over :- লাগি থকা বুজালে on আৰু ওপৰত লাগি নাথাকিলে over হয় ।
যেনে- The book is on the table. The birds are flying over the hills.
🔺 Ago, Before – Past Tense ৰ দুটা verb একোটা sentence ত থাকিলে নিকট অতীত বুজোৱাটোত Ago আৰু দূৰ অতীত বুজালে before বহে ।
যেনে- He reached home three hours ago. His father breathed his last one year before.
🔺 of, From:- কোনো বস্তু যি পদাৰ্থৰে তৈয়াৰী পাছত সেই পদাৰ্থটো দেখা পালে ‘made of‘ হয় । আনহাতে কোনো বস্তু যি পদাৰ্থৰে তৈয়াৰী সে পদাৰ্থটো বস্তুটো বনোৱাৰ পিছত দেখা নাপালে ‘made from‘ হয় ।.
যেনে- This table is made of wood. Butter is made of milk.
🔺 About: i) ওচৰ বুজাবলৈ ; He stood about the door.
ii) প্ৰায় বুজাবলৈ ; I saw him at about 6 p.m.
iii) সম্পৰ্ক বুজাবলৈ; I don’t know anything about the case.
iv) চাৰিওফালে বুজাবলৈ ; He looked and about for some food.
🔺Against : i) খুন্দা মৰা বুজাবলৈ; The car dashed against the wall.
ii) বিৰুদ্ধে বুজাবলৈ; He does nothing against our will.
🔺Above:- i) অতি উচ্চতা বুজাবলৈ; His Conduct is Above Suspicion
ii) অধিক বুজাবলৈ; I value reading above playing games.
🔺 At : i) নিৰ্দিষ্ট সময় বুজাবলৈ; I met him at 6 o’clock.
ii) মূল্য বুজাবলৈ ; The book sells at 50 rupees.
iii) সৰু ঠাই বুজবলৈ; My uncle lives at Gauripur
iv) লক্ষ্যস্থান বুজাবলৈ; They arrived at the station.
🔺 For :
i) কাৰণ বুজাবলৈ; He was rewarded for his success.
ii) স্বত্তেও অৰ্থ বুজাবলৈ ; For all his wealth, he was not happy
iii) উদ্দেশ্য বুজাবলৈ; We work for money.
🔺 From : i) উৎপত্তি স্থল বুজাবলৈ; Flowers fell from trees.
ii)কাৰণে বুজাবলৈ; He is weak for hunger.
iii) বস্তু এটা যিহেৰে তৈয়াৰী সেই পদাৰ্থটো বস্তুটো বনোৱাৰ পিছত দেখা নাপালে from হয় ।
Preposition Exercise :
1. The tiger sprang_____ the buffaloes.
2.Your conduct calls_____ an explanation.
3. The cat used to sleep ______the corner of the kitchen.
4. The cows were grazing______ the field.
5. I shall do it ______ pleasure.
6. Tigers live____ flesh.
7. Smoking is bad_____ lungs.
8. Mohan was born______ 10th January, 1996.
9. You should apply ______that post (to/for/an) [1991]
10. She writes ____her left hand. (With/by/to) [1991]
11.She sent the letter _____hand. (with/by/in) [1992]
12.You should write your answer _____ink. (with/by/in) [1992]
13. Ravi is _______John and Abdul. (between/among/across). [1993]
14. He goes for a walk _____ the morning: (at/in/on)[1993]
15. He died _____ the accident. (at/by/in). [1994]
16. He goes to school _____ bus, (by/at/of) [1994]
17.I cannot agree____ your suggestion (with/in/to)[1995]
18. Tobacco is injurious ___ health. (for/to/on) [1995]
19. His father died – malaria. (in/from/of) [1995(R)]
20.Write your answers - ink. (by/with/in) [1995(R)]
21.She gets up ____ dawn. (in/at/by)[1995(R)]
22. The poor man died ____cancer. (of/from/in) [1996]
23. I wrote the note ____ ink. (with/in/by) [1996]
24. I shall look ______the complaint. (for/about/into) [1997]
25. I cannot part ______ this book. (with/from/of) [1997]
26. My neighbour was envious ______- me. (of/at/for) [1997(R)]
27. The principal will preside ________the meeting. (at/in/over) [1997(R)]
28.Do not boast ________yourwealth. (of/in/for) [1997(R)]
29.He often suffers _______ illness. (in/from/with) 1998
30. Shoes are made______ leather. (of/for/by) *1998
31.The students were sitting _____ their desks. (by/in/at). [1998(R)]
32. I was quite surprised ______ his behavior. (by/at/for)
33. I have no sympathy _______ such a man. ( to/for/with)
34.The blind man lives _____ begging. (by/with/on) [1999]
35. He sent the letter _____ hand. (by/with/in)[1999]
36. Do you agree_____ my proposal? (to/at/with) [1999(R)]
37. I have no aptitude _____ music. (in/of/for) 1999(R)
38. I had every opportunity _______ stealing his money. (to/of/ for)
39. Most wild animals live _______ flesh. (by/with/on)[2000(R)]
Answers :
1.upon(2) for (3) at (4)in
(5) with (6) on (7) for (8)on
(9) for(10) with (11) by (12) in
(13) between (14) in (15) in (16)by
(17) to(18)to(19) of (20) in
(21)at (22) of (23) in (24) into
(25) with(26) of (27) over (28) of
(29) from(30) of (31) at (32) at
(33) for(34) by (35) by (36) to
(37) for (38) of (39) on
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