Introduction :-Newspapers are of great importance to modern life. Newspapers are the records of Current affairs. A man can do without his breakfast but he can’t do without newspaper. It he doesn’t get newspaper in the morning he feels very much uneasy. No civilised country or government can go on without newspapers now-a-days newspaper is the medium through Which public opinion finds expression Various items. of news
are published in the newspaper. All classes of men like businessmen, teachers, students, lawyers merchants, players,
and some items in the newspaper that may interest them.
Newspapers give us news of far and near on all matters. Thus it is very important in the life of a civilised nation today.
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Kinds of Newspaper :- There were no newspapers in India before the British came. Official notices were issued by
beating of drums and no definite information about the far- off parts of the country was available. Now there are different classes of newspaper they are dailies, Weeklies, bi-weeklies etc. Daily newspapers have been most popular now-a-days.
The weeklies and bi-weeklies also attract us with valuable and scholarly articles published in them.

The use of Newspaper :- We can’t think of living now-a-days without newspaper It’s considered to be as useful and necessary as food. People of any profession feel the need of going through the headlines of a newspaper after breakfast.
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