Mathematics : For Paper-l
For Lower Primary Level — Classes (I-V)
Numbers- ETotal llabuMarks : 30
Natural numbers, Whole numbers, Even and Odd numbers. Prime and Composite numbers, Place value system, Four fundamental operations on numbers( Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division), Factors and Multiples, Prime Factors, Lowest Common Multiples (LCM). Highest Common Factors (HCF), Skip counting, Group counting Comparison, Ascending and Descending Order, Application of numbers in real life, Unitary method and Average.
Concept of Fractions, Types of Fractions, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication ‘and Division of Fractions, Decimal Fractions. Percentage and their use.

Concept of Money, Conversion of Rupee to Paisa and vice versa, Four operations in solving problems involving money. Simple problems involving Profit and Loss
Geometry and Mensuration
Concept and understanding of different shapes Line Segment, Ray, Angles, Types of Angles, Types of Triangles, Types of Quadrilaterals, circles, Length, Perimeter and Area of different Geometrical figures, Weight, (Time, Capacity and Volume.
Date Handling
Introduction to Data. Representation of Data, Pictograph, Bar Diagram, Pie chart and Draw Inferences.
Integration of ICT in teaching Mathematics
Importance of ICT in teaching Mathematics. Use of ICT in teaching Mathematics
READ MORE – Assam TET EVS Syllabus
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