The dictionary meaning of the word “discipline” is training which is expected to produce moral or mental improvement. Thus it is a great quality which contributes to success. When we observe a machine at work, we admire its regularity. Every wheel, every rod, every lever functions smoothly. The world too exhibits such a regularity. The sun, moon, stars, seasons, crops, rivers, brooks, streams, waterfalls – all exhibit a marked discipline. However, whenever anything moves in an erratic way there is bound to be suffering. Thus nature too shows her ugly face whenever the rain fails and there is a drought or when the rains ceaselessly come and cause floods.
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Discipline in life makes us steadfast and sincere. Whether we work alone or in a group, we ought to be sincere. A football team, a cricket team, and more so an army has to be disciplined. This does not however mean restraint but a loving firmness. The regimentation that is necessary to be disciplined helps us to remain on track. A disciplined person never slips from his track, he never indulges in petty wishes or personal interests or gives in to lethargy. Thus discipline is needed to run a government, a business, or even one’s home. If the members of a family are whimsical, the family ceases to be a home. An in disciplined life is like a house of cards.
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In our personal life a disciplined and regulated mentality has to be shown. Self indulgence is a bad temptation. In our moral, social, intellectual, spiritual and practical life our passions have to be kept in check. Impulses and desires often have a tendency to mislead us from a disciplined life. Discipline however does not mean the negation of our independent Judgement, nor a blind surrender to authority. A disciplined way of life, that is practise from kindergarten will bring success. It will run in our blood and there will be no wild-horses to lead us astray. Discipline is thus the talisman that lead to our own welfare in life. A nation peopled by disciplined men and women is sure to progress.
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