Directorate of Health Services Assam Recruitment For Staff Nurse & Laboratory Technician
◆Total Posts ⇢ 768
◆Last Date ⇢ 25 July 2020
◆Job Type ⇢ Permanent
1. Staff Nurse (Critical Care) [640 Posts]
Qualification – B.Sc (Nursing) degree from Govt. of Assam recognized institute and must be registered under Assam Nurses Midwives & Health Visitors Council.
Salary – Scale of Pay Rs.14,000 – Rs.60,500 with Grade Pay of Rs.8,700/-.
2. Laboratory Technician (ICU Technical) [128 Posts]
Qualification -Laboratory Technician course from recognized institutions. viz GMCH Guwahati, AMCH Dibrugarh and SMCH, Silchar before introduction of 2 years. OR Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technician course from Govt recognized institutes.
Salary – Scale of Pay Rs.14,000 – Rs.60,500 with Grade Pay of Rs.6,200/-
1. Candidate should not be less than 18 years and not above 38 years as on 01.01.2020.
2. The upper age limit in relaxable for 3 years for OBC and 5 years for SC, ST (P), ST (H) Candidates only.
●Application Fees:-Nil
-:How to Apply:–
1. The online applications will be available in the DHS. Assam official website (www.dhs.assam.gov.in) w.e.f 15.07.2020 to 25.07.2020 till midnight
2. Due weightage will be given for experience for serving in the Government sector including National Health Mission (NHM) etc.
3. Detailed list of candidates for each post along with the details of selection test shall be notified in due course of time and shall be displayed in the website www.dhs.assam.gov.in.
4. Online applications for filling up of the following Grade-III posts in respect of 32 (thirty-two) ICU units in different dedicated COVID-19 Hospitals of districts.
Official website:-
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