Use of Article in Assamese/
|| Use of Article in Assamese||
There is no doubt that articles are adjectives since they modify the nouns after them. But articles have some special significance as determiners. Articles determine the standard of nouns.
A,An,The- এই তিনিটাক Articles বুলি কোৱা হয় । A আৰু An -ক Indefinite (অনিৰ্দেশক) Article আৰু ‘the’ -ক Definite (নিৰ্দেশক) Article বোলা হয় ।
* There are two types of articles:
The makes the noun something particular and definite.
A & an – make the noun something general and indefinite.
১) Singular countable noun -ৰ আগত ‘a’ বা ‘an’ ব্যৱহাৰ হয় । Consonant sound ৰ আগত a আৰু Vowel sound -ৰ আগত ‘an’ বহে । আখৰ কেইটা Vowel বা Consonent হ’লেই নহয়, ধ্বনিটোৰ ওপৰত ভিত্তি কৰিহে a বা an বহে ।
উদাহৰণ- A boy, An honest boy, A B.A, An M.P, An umbrella, A dog, An ox, An M.A., An M.L.A.
২) কিছুমান শব্দ vowel আখৰেৰে আৰম্ভ হ’লেও আৰম্ভণিৰ ধ্বনিটো ‘yu’ উচ্চাৰণ হ’লে তাৰ আগত ‘a’ বহে ।
উদাহৰণ- A union, A university, A European, A useful thing.
৩) শব্দৰ আগত থকা ‘O’ এই vowel -ৰ উচ্চাৰণ যদি ‘oa'(ওয়া) ৰ দৰে হয়, তাৰ আগতে ‘a’ বহে ।
উদাহৰণ- A one rupee note, A one-eyed man.
৪) গোটেই শ্ৰেণী বা জাতিটো বুজাবলৈ Singular countable noun -ৰ আগত Articles (a,an) ব্যৱহাৰ হয়। কিন্তু Man আৰু Woman শব্দ এনে অৰ্থত ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিলে Article ব্যৱহাৰ নহয় ।
উদাহৰণ- A cow is a useful animal.
A horse can run fast.
A cat is fond of milk.
Man is mortal.
Woman is physically weak.
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১) গোটেই শ্রেণী বা জাতিটো বুজাবলৈ Singular countable noun ৰ আগত ‘The’ ব্যৱহাৰ হয়।
উদাহৰণ- The cow gives us milk.
The horse can run fast.
The cat is fond of milk.
২) নৈ, সাগৰ, মহাসাগৰ, পৰ্বত শ্ৰেণী, প্ৰসিদ্ধ পুথি, বাতৰি কাকত, প্ৰসিদ্ধ ঘটনা, দ্বীপপুঞ্জ আদিৰ নামৰ আগত ‘The’ ব্যৱহাৰ হয় ।
উদাহৰণ- She is reading the Ramayana.
The Brahmaputra is a big river.
I always read the Assam Tribune.
The Himalayas are on the North of India.
৩) সূৰ্য, চন্দ্ৰ, আকাশ, পৃথিৱী, গ্ৰহ, নক্ষত্ৰ, দিশৰ আগত ‘The’ বহে ।
উদাহৰণ- The Earth is Round.
The Sun rises is the east.
The Moon is up.
The sky is blue.
৪) বিশেষ অৰ্থযুক্ত দেশ, প্ৰদেশ আৰু বিশ্ববিখ্যত সংস্থাৰ আগত ‘The’ ব্যৱহাৰ হয় ।
উদাহৰণ- The U.S.A is a rich country.
The looks after the world peace.
৫) Superlative degree ৰ আগত ‘The’ ব্যৱহাৰ
উদাহৰণ- Ram is the best boy in the class.
Jadu is the strongest boy is our class.
Mount Everest is the highest peak in the world.
৬)Noun হিচাবে ব্যৱহাৰ হোৱা Adjective ৰ আগত ‘The’ ব্যৱহাৰ হয় ।
উদাহৰণ- The rich are not always happy.
The strong should protect the weak.
Note:- Adjective ৰ আগত ‘The’ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিলে গোটেই জাতিটোক বুজায় ।
যেনে- The Rich= rich man.
The poor= poor man.
৭) সাধাৰণতে Abstract Noun ৰ আগত Article নবহে । কিন্তু নিৰ্দিষ্ট বস্তু বা ব্যাক্তিৰ গুণ, কাৰ্য বিশেষকৈ বুজালে Abstract Noun ৰ আগত ‘The’ ব্যৱহাৰ হয় ।
I cannot forget the kindness of the man.
The honesty of the boy charmed me.
|| Use of Articles in English ||
1. It is used before a word beginning with a consonant.
Example:- a book, a wall, a room,a pen.
2. It is used before vowels that have a sound of yoo/you.
Example:- a useful book, a university, a European, a union, a uniform, a unique book
3. It is uses before the word ONE as it begins with the consonant sound of ‘wa’.
Example:- A one rupee coin, a one way road.
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4. Sometimes indefinite articles are used to refer the number ‘one’/’each’/’per’.
5. Indefinite articles often precede descriptive adjectives.
6. ‘A’ sometimes comes before determiners, for example, a few, a little, a lot of, a most, etc. but in the case of many, a or an – comes after.
1. It is used before a word beginning with a vowel ( vowel sound)
Example : An orphan, An ink-pot, An igloo
2. It is uses with a mute “h”
Example:- An hour, An honest man
3. It is used before abbreviations, if consonants begin with a vowel sound.
Example:- An M.B.A , An M.L.A, An M.P, An X-RAY, An S.P
1. It is used before a noun when we want to make it particular. Example:- This is the book you gave me on my birthday.
2. It is used with “SUPERLATIVE DEGREE”
Example:- The brightest star, The most beautiful painting
3. It is used with things which are only of its kind. Example:- The Sun, The Moon, The Earth.
4. It is used with the names of –
5. Before musical instruments. Example – He can play the flute .
6. Before caste and communities. Example – The Rajputs are brave people.
7. Before inventions. Example – The telephone, He is listing to the radio.
8. Before the organs of Governments. Example – The Judiciary; The legislature
9. Before Political parties. Example – The BJP, The Labour Party.
10. Before the Armed Forces. Example – The Police, The Army, The air forces.
11. Before nationality. Example – The Indians The Japanese
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Use of Article in Assamese
Rule 1:
‘The’ is used to indicate a particular person(s) or thing(s) in the case of common nouns. Proper nouns generally do not take an article.
Rule 2:
Sometimes ‘the’ is used to generalize a group/whole class.
Rule 3:
To particularise a non-count noun ‘the’ is required before it.
Rule 4:
‘The’ is mandatory before a thing which is only one of a kind in the universe.
Use of ‘the’ before geographical places :
Rule 5:
Using ‘the’ with geographical nouns generally depends on the size and plurality of the things those nouns refer to. ‘The’ is generally used everywhere except some cases. So, it’s better to know those exceptions first.
‘The’ must not precede:
The’ must precede:
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