Introduction – Our life is very short. During our short existence in this world we have to do many things. So utilization of time is the most important factor for success in life. To idle away a single moment is to shorten our life.
Value of time – Time is very valuable. It is said that ‘time is money’ But, it is more valuable than money. We can regain lost money, we can regain lost health. But lost time is gone for ever. “Time and tide wait for none.” Time passes on quickly. It flies like an arrow. The secret of success in life is in the proper use of time.

Good effects of the proper use of time – An active man knows the value of time. He knows how to make best use of time. So he prospers in life. We can achieve success in life only by proper use of time.
Bad effects of idleness – Idleness is the root of all evils. Idle men do not try to do anything in time. We should never put off till tomorrow what we can do today. Great men of the world became great by making proper use of their time.
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Conclusion – The happiness of our life depends on the proper use of time. We should make the right use of time. Even ants and bees are active. So, man should make the best use of his time, then only he comes out successful in the struggle of life.
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