Introduction : A library is a store or house of books . People can borrow books for reading from a library . In bigger libraries readers can read them during certain hours of the day . A school library is generally meant for the students and teachers of the school . Almost all school in our country have libraries now – a – days .The School Library Essay in English
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Special features of school library : A school library has some special features . Its first speciality is that the books and journals kept in it are carefully selected so that they may be useful for the students . In a school there may be students of different age groups with different interests and levels of understanding . Sol utmost care is to be taken in selecting books to be kept in the library . Biographies of great men , stories on travel and adventure and books on everyday science generally attract the young readers . Hence most school libraries keep such books in large number with a view to developing the habit of reading books among the students . Reference books on different subjects are also kept .The School Library Essay in English
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Management : It is very difficult to manage a school library well . In many schools the authorities cannot provide separate rooms for their libraries . Regular whole time librarians are also not appointed . Therefore the library books are kept at some place in the teachers ‘ common room or in the principal’s office room . It is managed by a teacher who is in charge of the library . One or two students help him . Books are issued to students and teachers for a certain period . Students are fined . if books . damaged or returned late .The School Library Essay in English

Usefulness : The school authority collects library fees from the pupils every year . This fund is used for the development of the library . A good school library has great importance . It acts as a supplementary to the text books . Text books contain knowledge of specific subjects . They cannot satiate the inquisitive learners ‘ thirst for more information and better knowledge . Moreover , most of our students hail from very poor families for which they cannot buy books for extra reading . In such case a school library comes to be a great help for them .The School Library Essay in English
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Conclusion : If the heads of our schools take a bit pain in organising and developing the school libraries and if the government appoints regular librarians school libraries will surely create a congenial atmosphere for developing better reading habit among the students and serve their real purpose .
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