Introduction – The word ‘student means one whose prime business is to study.
Generally all persons who are engaged in study may be called students.
However, the word is largely applied to those who are studying n any
educational institution. The duties of such a student are many. These
include his primary duties as well as other duties.
Primary duty of a Student – The primary duty of a student is to study. This means that he must
study his prescribed text books of each subject thoroughly and try too
understand their contents. He should pay keen attention to what his
teachers say in the classroom. He should be honest, sincere and hard-working. Even beyond the classroom he should be eager to learn. Then only he would be able to make himself fit for the future.

Other Duties – Besides study a student may have many other duties to perform.Most
of our students come from poor families. Their parents may not provide
them with good food, dress or other necessary things. Keeping this in
mind such students should help their parents in running their families.
They can help them in the fields or in the farms specially during holi-days.A girl student also can help her mother in the domestic works.
Extra-Curricular Activities – Students should develop in them the spirit of social service. They can help the society in times of natural calamities like flood, earthquake or
cyclone. They can teach the lay man the value of cleanliness and hygienic living. College and University students may, help in removing illiteracy from their neighbourhood.
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In addition to reading text books a student ought to read newspapers,
magazines and other good books Such reading would widen their scope
of knowledge However, reading alone is not enough if he does not care
for his health. It is said that a sound mind lives in a sound body. So
he should try to keep good health by taking good food and doing
regular physical exercises. He should play different kinds of outdoor
garhes for maintaining a stout body.
Conclusion – Since student life is the seed-time in a man’s life, SO, a student should try to acquire all sorts of good habits at this stage and keep aloof from be considered bad ones. Each moment of this period should be considered precious.
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