অসম চাহ শ্ৰমিক উন্নয়ন নিধিত চাকৰি। Assam Tea Employees Provident Fund Organization(ATEPFO) Recruitment

আসম চা কর্মচাৰী প্রভিডেন্ট ফান্ড অর্গানাইজেশন (এটিইপিএফও) এটিইপিএফও প্রধান কার্যালয়ত আৰু বিভিন্ন জিলাতে অসমৰ বিভিন্ন জেলাতে ২৫ জুনিয়ৰ চৰকাৰী নিয়োগৰ কাৰণে নাগৰিকৰ অসমৰ পৰা অনলাইনে আবেদন কৰাৰ আহ্বান জনাইছে।
ATEPFO Recruitment 2021 details:
Name of post: Junior Assistant
No of posts: 25Category-wise vacancy:
Unreserved: 113OBC/MOBC: 09SC:03ST(P): 03ST(H): 01EWS: 03.PWD: 01
Salary: PB-2, Rs.14000-49000 with GP-6200 plus other allowances as admissible under rules.
Eligibility Criteria of ATEPFO Recruitment
Employment Exchange Certificate:
Eligible Indian Citizens must have Registration Number in Employment Exchange in the state of Assam.
Age Limit: The candidates age should be between 21 years to 38 years as on 1st June 2021
Age Relaxation: The upper age limit is relaxable as givenbelowi) 3 years for OBC/MOBC candidates i.e. upto41 years.ii) 5 years for SC/ST candidates i.e. upto 43years.ii) 10 years for PWD candidates.
Educational Qualification:
i) The applicants must be Graduate in any
discipline from a recognized University.
ii) The candidates must possess a minimumm 6
(six) months Diploma/ Certificate in computer proficiency from a recognized institute such as Word Processor, Spread Sheet, presentation graphics, concept of database, internet, email andcomputer typing in English/ Assamese language.
Application Fee: Candidates have to pay application feeas given below.
ST/SC: Rs.200/-
Others: Rs.300/-
PWD: Nil
Selection Process of ATEPFO
Recruitment The selection Process of ATEPFO Recruitment includestwo stages
Stage-I: The candidates whose applications are acceptedwill be required to appear in an objective type test(Multiple Choice Questions 100 marks) to be held in FIVEZONES of Assam – (Dibrugarh, Jorhat, Tezpur, Silchar andGuwahati) on a date to be notified later on.
Syllabus for Stage l include:. i) General studies including current affairs,
national andinternational – 60 marks.i) General English – 20 marks.ii) Arithmetic- 20 marks.
Stage-ll: Against each vacancy, five candidates would beshortlisted for Stage-ll on the basis of the marks obtainedin Stage I. The shortlisted candidates will have to appearin the following tests in Stage-ll a) Computer test (English and Assamese typing) – 20marks.b) Writing ability test in English. Writing ability tests shallinclude drafting, precis writing, comprehension, essay,etc. 30 marks.Final Section: Combined marks of Stage I (0bjective TypeTest) and Stage II (Computer Test and Writing ability testin English) secured by a candidate will be the determiningfactor for selection to the post of Junior Assistant.
How to Apply for ATEPFO Assam Recruitment Interested and eligible candidates may apply online byvisiting Assam Tea Employees Provident Fund Organization (ATEPFO) official website.
The last date of submission of online application is 14th August 2021.
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