Why Aim in Life is Necessary: Aim creates zeal and leads a person to achieve something in his life An Aimless person does not know what he will do in his life. He is like a boat without a sailor. He will roam and roam about, but he will not achieve anything meaningful in life. So, to be something in life, he must be firm and determined to do something important. So, an aim in life is very necessary to a man of true spirit. Aim In Life Essay for HSLC Examination
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My Aim in Life : Different people have different aims in life. Like other people, I also have an aim in my life. My aim is to become a farmer and serve the nation with adequate quantity of food and crops.
Why I have chosen this Aim : India is an agricultural country. About 70% of her inhabitants are cultivators. But most of them are illiterate and don’t know how to cultivate by adopting scientific method. In this regard, I want to produce crops by using scientific method and serve the nation as an ideal farmer with my agricultural products. So, I have chosen to become a farmer. Aim In Life Essay for HSLC Examination
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How I shall try to Achieve it: I have already mentioned that I shall be an educated and modem farmer. For that I have to equip myself with the knowledge of agriculture. So, after passing the HSLC Examination, I shall get admitted into science stream and then I shall do the degree course in agriculture. After completing my Agri-BSc, I shall start my cultivation with modem system of farming
I shall take agriculture loan from the Government. I shall cultivate in an area of 20 bighas of land, in the first year. I shall take care of my paddy field according to scientific method and shall be able to produce paddy more than its usual quantity. In this way I shall extend my agricultural land year after year and thus I shall establish myself as an ideal. farmer.
What I shall do when the aim is fulfilled: Once my aim in life is fulfilled, I shall feel pride and privileged. I shall be able to standstill as a model among the thousands of farmers. I shall hold meetings and seminars to discuss the scientific way of cultivation. The ignorant farmers will be aware of the right way of producing gold out of their land. Aim In Life Essay for HSLC Examination
Conclusion: Now I am a student and there is a long way ahead to go reach the goal of my life. But I have a firm belief in God that He will bless me to achieve the goal of my life. O God, please lead me from the front!
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