Assam, the land of blue hills and the red river, is a darling of nature. Nature has bestowed all her wealth on Assam. She is very rich in natural resources. She has plenty of mineral, water, forest and agricultural resources.
The natural resources of Assam may be classified under four heads (a) mineral (b) forest (c) agriculture and (d) water resources.

Mineral Resources : Assam is very rich in mineral resources. Coal, petroleum and natural gas are the principal mineral resources of Assam. Digboi, Rudrasagar, Naharkatia, Moran, Lakua etc. are the famous oil-fields of Assam. The three refineries at Digboi, Noonmati and Bongaigoan produce kerosene,patrol, disel, L. P. gas etc. from the crude oil. The crude oil of Assam is pumped out of Assam to Barauni Refinery in Bihar. Assam is the largest producer of crude oil in India. Coal is found at Ledu and Margherita coal fields in upper Assam. Lime-stone is found in Bokajan. It is used for manufacturing cement.
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Forest resources : A large part of Assam is covered by hills and forests. These hills and forests contain valuable trees like Sal, Gamari, Bonsum, Agar in large quantities. These forests supply us fruit, fuel; and fodder. Medicinal herbs are also found in plenty. Another valuable thing found in the forests of Assam is ‘Agar’ oil. The bamboo, an important raw-material for the production of paper is found in plenty in Assam. Articles made of bamboos and canes by artisans are sold everywhere. Animals like tigers, elephants, deer, rhinos are found in large numbers in the forests of Assam. The Assamese rhino may be found in every zoo of the world. The National Parks and Manas and Kaziranga draw a large number of tourists from India and abroad.
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Agricultural resources : Agriculture is the main occupation of the people of Assam. Nearly 80% of the people of Assam depend on agriculture. Assam produces cash crops like jute. The tea of Assam is famous. She is the biggest producer of tea in India. It earns foreign exchange for India.
Water resources : The mighty Brahmaputra and its tributaries have great potential for the generation of hydro-electricity. The Kapili project is an important project in this direction. The Brhamaputra can be used as an inland water transport to carry goods. It can be a good alternative to surface transport.

Assam is thus endowed with a plenty of natural resources. Yet she is one of the most industrially backward states of India. This is largely because of the apathy of the state Government and the step-motherly attitude of the central Government. It is a good sign that the situation is improving. Assam should try to set up industries to make use of her natural resources. It will solve her problems of unemployment and usher in an era of prosperity in Assam.
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