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60 Most Important Political Question Answers For Assam Competitive Exams

60 Most Important Political Question Answers For Assam Competitive Exams


1. The Governor of a State is an integral part of the (APSC Prelims 2014)
A. State Cabinet
B. Parliament
C. State legislature
D. State public service commission

Answer: C. State legislature
(The Governor is an integral part of the State legislature. The Constitution provides for the post of the Governor as the Head of a State in India. He is appointed by the President of India. He is both the constitutional Head of a State and an agent of the Central Government in a State.)

2. Who administers The oath of office for the President of India and the governor of a state respectively (APSC Prelims 2014)
A. The Speaker of the Lok Sabha and the Speaker of the State Legislative Assembly
B. The Solicitor General of India and the Advocate General of the State
C. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of India and the Chief Justice of High Court of the State
D. None of them
Answer: C. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of India and the Chief Justice of High Court of the State

3. The maximum permissible period between two sessions of a State Legislative Assembly is (APSC Prelims 2014)
A. 1 year
B. 6 months
C. 3 months
D. Indefinite
Answer: B. 6 months
(The maximum permissible period between two sessions of a State Legislative Assembly is six months.)

4. Under which of the following articles additional and acting Judges can be appointed in the High Court’s (APSC Prelims 2017)
A. Article 220
B. Article 229
C. Article 224
D. Article 231
Answer: C. Article 224
(Draft Article 200 (Article 224) was debated on 7th June 1949. It provided for the appointment of additional and acting judges to the High Courts.)

5. In India who appoints the District Judges? (APSC Prelims 2018)
A. The Governor
B. The Judges of the High Court
C. The Chief Minister
D. The President
Answer: A. The Governor
(The district court is presided over by a district judge appointed by the state governor with on the advice of chief justice of that high court.)

6 . Which Act transferred power from the Company to the Crown in India ? (APSC Prelims 2009 )
A. Act of 1861
B. Act of 1858
C. Act of 1892
D. Act of 1853
Answer: B. Act of 1858

7 . When did the British Government take over the reign of India from the East India Company and who was the first Viceroy ? (APSC Prelims 2014 )
A. 1857 , Lord Linlithgow
B. 1858 , Lord Canning
C. 1857 , Lord Hastings
D. 1861 , Lord Curzon
Answer: B. 1858, Lord Canning

8 . By which Act , was the governance of India passed to the British Crown ? (APSC Prelims 2016 )
A. Rowlatt Act , 1919
B. Dominion Lands Act , 1872
C. Government of India Act , 1858
D. Official Secrets Act , 1923
Answer: C. Government of India Act, 1858

9. When did the Constituent Assembly of India have its first meeting ? ( APSC Prelims 2013 )
A. December 10 , 1946
B. August 14 , 1947
C. July 18 , 1947
D. August 15 , 1947
Answer : A. December 10, 1946

10. One of the elements of direct democracy is . (APSC Prelims 2009 )
A. Referendum
B. Equality
C. Free and fair election
D. Universal adult franchise
Answer : A. Referendum

11 . The most essential feature of the Parliamentary form of Government is the (APSC Prelims 2016 )
A. Sovereignty of the Parliament
B. Written Constitution
C. Accountability of the Executive to the Legislature
D. Independent judiciary
Answer : A. Sovereignty of the Parliament

12 . Which of the following is not a feature of the Indian Constitution ? (APSC Prelims 2018 )
A. Democratic
B. Republic
C. Presidential
D. Federal
Answer : C. Presidential

13. The Constitution of India is Parliamentary because
A. There is an elected President
B. There is a Supreme court
C. There is a Parliament
D. The Executive is responsible to the Legislature
Answer : D. The Executive is responsible to the Legislature

14. Which one of the following words was not originally included in the Preamble to the Constitution of India ? (APSC Prelims 2013 )
A. Sovereign
B. Socialist
C. Secular
D. Republic
Answer : Secular

15 . The term secular was added to the Preamble of the Constitution of India by the (APSC Prelims 2013 )
A. 40th Amendment
B. 41st Amendment
C. 42nd Amendment
D. 43rd Amendment
Answer : C. 42nd Amendment ( 1976 )

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16. At the time of enactment of the Constitution , which one of the following ideals was not included in the Preamble ? (APSC Prelims 2016 )
A Liberty
B. Equality
C. Socialism
D. Justice
Answer : C. Socialism

17. When Mizoram convert into a Union Territory? (APSC Prelims 2009 )
A. 1969
B. 1972
C. 1949
D. 1951
Answer : B. 1972

20. Which of the following methods is not provided by the Citizenship Act , 1955 to acquire Indian citizenship ? (APSC Prelims 2009 )
A. By birth
B. By descent
C. By registration
D. By exercising right to vote
Answer : D. By exercising right to Vote.


21. Habeas corpus writ is associated with (APSC Prelims 2009 )
A. Anticipatory bail
B. Quashing the order of Unadministrative Authority
C. An order of freedom of speech
D. Production of person before the court
Answer : D. Production of person before the court

22 . Which of the following is not a fundamental right in India ? (APSC Prelims 2014 )
A. Right to Property
B. Right to Equality
C. Right to Freedom
D. Right to Constitutional Remedies
Answer : A. Right to Property

23 . The Right to Education belongs to which of the fol lowing categories ? (APSC Prelims 2016 )
A. Directive Principles
B. Fundamental Rights
C. Fundamental Duties
D. Legal Rights
Answer : B. Fundamental rights

24 . Which articles of the Indian Constitution deal with Right to Equality ? (APSC Prelims 2016 )
A. Articles 14 to 18
B. Articles 22 to 24
C. Articles 19 to 22
D. Articles 25 to 30
Answer : B. Articles 22 to 24

25 . Right to Education is a fundamental right under the Article (APSC Prelims 2018 )
A. Articles 22 ( A )
B. Articles 21 ( A )
C. Articles 23 ( A )
D. Articles 24 ( A )
Answer : B. Articles 21 ( A )

26. The Fundamental Duties were incorporated into the Constitution of India on the basis of the recommen dation of (APSC Prelims 2009 )
A. S.V. Singh Committee
B. Swaran Singh Committee
C. Hanumantha Rao Committee
D. None of the above
Answer : B. Swaran Singh Committee

27. Fundamental Duties were appended to the Constitu tion of India by the 42nd amendment on the recom mendation of (APSC Prelims 2013 )
A. Swarn Singh Committee
B. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Committee
C. K. C. Pant Committee
D. C. D. Deshmukh Committee
Answer : A. Swaran Singh Committee

28. Which Amendment incorporated the Fundamental Duties in the Indian Constitution ?
A. 40th Amendment
B. 42nd Amendment
C. 44th Amendment
Answer : B. 42nd Amendment

29. Arrange the following Presidents of India in the correct chronological sequence : (APSC Prelims 2013 )
( I ) Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma
( II ) Dr. Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed
( III ) Neelam Sanjiva Reddy
( IV ) Giani Zail Singh
A. II , III , IV , I
B. III , II , IV , I
C. IV , II , III , I
D. II , IV , III , I
Answer : A.

30. By whom the Vice – President of India is elected ? (APSC Prelims 2014 )
A. The President of India
B. Members of the Parliament
C. Members of the Rajya Sabha
D. Members of the Parliament and Members of the Legislative Assemblies of States .
Answer : B. Members of Parliament

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31 . Which one of the following can decide the disputes regarding election of the President and the Vice President of India ? (APSC Prelims 2016 )
A. The Election Commission of India
B. The Parliament
C. The Supreme Court of India
D The Rajya Sabha
Answer : C. The Supreme court of India

32 . Which of the following can initiate the process of impeachment of the President of India ? (APSC Prelims 2016 )
A. Only Lok Sabha
B. Any House of the Parliament
C. Only Rajya Sabha
D. The Supreme Court of India
Answer : B. Any house of the Parliament

33. Article 80 of the Indian Constitution deals with the formation of the (APSC Prelims 2009 )
A. Rajya Sabha
B. Legislative Council
C. Lok Sabha
D. District Council
Answer : A. Rajya Sabha

34 . Which of the following can initiate the process of impeachment of the President of India ? (APSC Prelims 2009 )
A. Any House of the Parliament
B. The Lok Sabha alone
C. The Rajya Sabha alone
D. The Supreme Court of India
Answer : A. Any house of the Parliament

Political Question Answers For Assam Competitive Exams

35 . The Rajya Sabha has exclusive jurisdiction in (APSC Prelims 2013 )
A. Creation and abolition of States
B. Approving a proclamation of emergency
C. The election of the Vice – President
D. Authorising Parliament to legislate on a subject in the State list
Answer : D. Authorising Parliament to legislative on a subject in the State list

36. The President of India does not deny his consent to a Money Bill because (APSC Prelims 2013 )
A. it is urgent in nature
B. it is initiated by the Finance Minister
C. it is initiated by the Finance Minister on the rec ommendation of the President
D. it is initiated in the Lok Sabha
Answer : C. It is initiated by the Finance Minister on the recommendation of the President.

37. Which of the following is not a Money Bill ? (APSC Prelims 2013 )
A. Budget
B. Appropriation Bill
C. Bill seeking Vote on Account
D. Finance Bill
Answer : A. Budget

60 Most Important Political Question Answers For Assam Competitive Exams

38 . Who presides over the Joint Session of both the houses of the Parliament of India ? (APSC Prelims 2014 )

A. The President of India
B. The Prime Minister of India
C. The Speaker of the Lok Sabha
D The Vice – President of India

Answer : C. The Speaker of Lok Sabha

39 . Who among the following is the ex – officio Chairman of the Rajya Sabha ? (APSC Prelims 2016 )
A. The President of India
B. The Prime Minister of India
C. The Vice – President of India
D. The Lt. Governor of Delhi
Answer : C. The Vice President of India

40 . Which one of the following Articles empowers the President to nominate not more than two members of the Anglo – Indian community to the Lok Sabha ? (APSC Prelims 2016 )
A. Article 79
B. Article 331
C. Article 114
D. Article 334
Answer : B. Article 331


Most Important Political Question Answers For Assam Competitive Exams

41. What is the maximum strength of the Lok Sabha provided by the Constitution of India ? (APSC Prelims 2016 )
A. 552
B. 530
C. 545
D. 500
Answer : A. 552

42 . What is the maximum permissible time gap between two sessions of the Parliament ? (APSC Prelims 2016 )

A. 3 months
B. 9 months
C. 6 months
D. 12 months
Answer : C. 6 Months

43. The quorum of the Parliament is fixed at (APSC Prelims 2017 )

A. one – tenth of the membership of the House.                                                                                             B. two – thirds of the membership of the House                                                                                            C. one – third of the membership of the House
D. one – eighth of the membership of the House
Answer : A

44. The Speaker can ask a Member of the House to stop speaking and let another Member speak . This is known as (APSC Prelims 2017 )
A. Decorum
B. crossing the floor
C. Interpretation
D. yielding the floor
Answer : D. Yielding the floor

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45 . If any question arises whether a Bill is a Money Bill or not , whose decision shall be the final ? (APSC Prelims 2017 )
A. The Supreme Court of India
B. The President of India
C. The Speaker of the Lok Sabha
D. The Joint Parliamentary Committee
Answer : C. The Speaker of the Lok Sabha

46 . Which one of the following committees of the Parliament of India has no Member of the Rajya Sabha ? (APSC Prelims 2017 )
A. The Public Accounts Committee
B. The estimates committee
C. The Public undertakings committee
D. Departmentally Related Standing committee on finance
Answer : B. The estimate committee

47 . The Constitution of India is parliamentary because (APSC Prelims 2018 )
A. there is an elected President
B. there is a Supreme Court
C. there is a Parliament
D. the Executive is responsible to the Legislature
Answer : D. The Executive is responsible to the Legislature

48. The Supreme Court was set up under the (APSC Prelims 2017 )
A. Regulating Act , 1773
B. Pitt’s India Act , 1784
C. Indian Councils Act , 1861
D. Indian Councils Act , 1892
Answer : A. Regulating Act, 1773

49 . Who / Which among the following is the custodian of the Constitution of India ? (APSC Prelims 2017 )         

A. The President of India
B. The Prime Minister of India
C. The Lok Sabha Secretariat
D. The Supreme Court of India
Answer : D. The Supreme Court of India

50. Which one of the following jurisdictions of the Indian judiciary covers Public Interest Litigation ? (APSC Prelims 2017 )
A. Appellate jurisdiction
B. Original jurisdiction
C. Advisory jurisdiction
D. Epistolary jurisdiction
Answer : D. Epistolary Jurisdiction

60 Most Important Political Question Answers For Assam Competitive Exams

51. The power of the Supreme Court of India to decide disputes between the Centre and State falls under its (APSC Prelims 2017 )
A. Writ jurisdiction
B. Advisory jurisdiction
C. Original jurisdiction
D. Appellate jurisdiction
Answer : C. Original Jurisdiction

52 . Under which Article , the Supreme Court has the power to review its own judgement or order ?  (APSC Prelims 2017 )
A. Article 137
B. Article 256
C. Article 254
D. Article 142 (A)
Answer. : Article 137

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53. Decentralised planning on the basis of Panchayati Raj institutions was recommended by (APSC Prelims 2014 )
A. Ashok Mehta Committee
B. Balwant Rai Mehta Committee
C. Gadgil Committee
Answer : B. Balwant Rai Mehta Committee

54. Who is known as the Father of Local Self Government in India? (APSC Prelims 2014 )
A. Lord Amherst
B. Lord Ripon
C. Lord Bentinck
Answer : B. Lord Ripon

55. ‘Panchayati Raj’ was First introduced in India October, 1959 in which one of the following States ? (APSC Prelims 2016 )
A. Rajasthan
B. Tamilnadu
C. Karnatak
D. Assam
Answer : A. Rajasthan

Most Important Political Question Answers For Assam Competitive Exams

56. What is the proportion of seats reserved for women as the Chairperson in the Gram Panchayat? (APSC Prelims 2018 )
A. 1/2
B. 1/3
C. 2/3
D. 1/4
Answer : 1/3

60 Most Important Political Question Answers For Assam Competitive Exams

57. When was the first National Emergency declared in India? (APSC Prelims 2014 )
A. 1962
B. 1965
C. 1971
D. 1975
Answer : A. 1962

58. How many Schedule are there in the Constitution of India? (APSC Prelims 2009 )
A. 10
B. 12
C. 14
D. 15
Answer : A. 12

59. The Governor of a state is an integral part of (APSC Prelims 2014 )
A. State Cabinet
B. Parliament
C. State Legislature
D. State Bank of India
Answer : C. State Legislature

60. In India who appoints the District Judges ? (APSC Prelims 2018 )
A. The President
B. The Supreme Court of India
C. The Governor
D. The Chief Minister
Answer : C. The Governor

60 Most Important Political Question Answers For Assam Competitive Exams


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